News und Termine

A new player in the training game

09. Mai 2023

SRL Materials is a company with tradition. Training is to become a new tradition. They have received a training certificate for their courage to give young people a chance, even in times when many are worried about the future.

At the start of the apprenticeship in September 2023, the company will begin training as a chemical production specialist for the first time. The two-year apprenticeship qualifies for one of the most important professions in the chemical industry. The good thing about it: even if you have a vocational qualification, i.e. a secondary school leaving certificate, you have good prospects as a production specialist. The apprenticeship is very similar to the chemical technician apprenticeship, but firstly it doesn’t take as long and secondly it’s not quite as demanding. So if you’re a little worried about successfully mastering one of the most difficult apprenticeships, you can take the production specialist route.